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The Benefits of Twilight Photography

Nick Welsch • Feb 19, 2023

Can your listings benefit from Twilight Photography?

Twilight Photography Peoria IL

Twilight photography is one of the many current trends in real estate photography. But, what does it mean and why should you consider offering this service to your clients?

Marketing strategies such as utilizing 3D virtual tours or aerial drones offer home buyers a more precise or personal view of a property. Creative videos can convey a story and generate excitement online. Printed ads like postcards or brochures put the images into a customer's possession. However, there is arguably no other marketing tool that captures a buyer's interest as effectively as a picture of a home taken at dusk

What is Twilight Photography?

While taking real estate photos during the day is a great way to capture clear details and bright colors, daytime photography can become monotonous and unappealing, especially when the same scenes are repeated in multiple properties. Twilight photography, on the other hand, offers a unique perspective.

Twilight photography captures the subject during the "golden hour," either before sunrise or after sunset. This period, which may last only a brief 15 minutes, is characterized by the sun being low on the horizon and casting a warm and intriguing light. In this window of time, photographers can produce breathtaking images

Certainly, just as real estate photographs can encompass more than just shots of the interior and exterior of a property, the same applies to twilight photographs. In addition to capturing images of the property itself, you can also include striking shots of outdoor areas, waterfront vistas, landscapes, urban skylines, and more.

Why is twilight photography an important real estate marketing strategy?

Quality photographs, particularly in large numbers, are considered as a crucial aspect in real estate marketing. Properties that have high-quality photographs generally sell faster and sometimes even at a higher price than other listings. The reason being, the impact that a well-captured twilight photo can have.

Twilight photos possess a captivating and alluring quality that makes them stand out from the rest. With a hint of mystery, these stunning images are sure to grab the attention of potential buyers as they flip through listings, browse through thumbnails, or search for properties on social media.

Twilight photography can be an effective real estate marketing tool because of its captivating and alluring appearance. These images are eye-catching and set themselves apart from the typical real estate photos. Additionally, twilight photos can showcase features of a property that are not visible during the day, or that might not appear as impressive, by highlighting accent lighting and casting intriguing shadows. The ambient light during the golden hour can also bring new life to features such as a deck, pool, or fire pit, while minimizing defects in the photo.

According to the National Association of Realtors (NAR), nearly 90% of homebuyers who searched for a home online found photos to be one of the most useful features on a real estate agent's website. This means that not only will high-quality photos increase the views on a listing, but they can also serve as a valuable addition to an agent's portfolio and enhance interest in their business.

How to prepare for a twilight photography shoot?

Since the "golden hour" only lasts a brief period, it is crucial to have a property ready before the photographer arrives. Time moves quickly during the shoot and it can be easy to underestimate the preparation time, especially if the homeowner is not present to show the location of switches. Here are some tips to help homeowners get ready for a twilight photo session:

To prepare for a twilight photography shoot:

  • Turn on all interior lights.
  • Illuminate the exterior, including landscape lighting (you may need to cover up photocells on solar lights to ensure they come on).
  • Tone down overly bright lighting by removing certain bulbs.
  • Keep a ladder nearby for quick adjustments.
  • Stage areas of interest, such as a patio or pool deck, with the house in the background.
  • Have a hose readily available if preferred by the photographer for wetting down driveways or concrete areas.
Twilight Photography Peoria IL
Twilight Photography Peoria IL

What is Virtual Twilight

Virtual twilight refers to the process of taking exterior photos taken during daylight hours and digitally transforming them to look like they were captured during twilight. It involves the use of photo editing techniques by a photographer or specialist to create a dramatic representation of a house at dusk, also known as a day-to-dusk or twilight conversion.

Why choose virtual twilight instead of real twilight photography?

The limited time frame during which twilight photography can be done might not align with your schedule or client's availability. In such cases, or when access to a property is limited, virtual twilight could be the solution as it can be created using existing digital exterior photos.

Once you have chosen a photo to be transformed into a virtual twilight image, a professional photographer or photo editor will then enhance the image by adding light to the windows, creating a stunning dusk sky, and correcting any minor flaws. The final product will be ready for use in just a matter of a day or two.

Although twilight photography is currently popular in the real estate industry, not everyone is utilizing it. By incorporating some twilight photography into your marketing strategy, you can set your listings and business apart and make them stand out.

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